
Tech Chat | Enhancing Tilt Survey Accuracy: A Guide to Effective Pole Calibration

As the popularity of IMU tilt functions rises in the realm of RTK surveying, the undeniable convenience they offer becomes increasingly apparent. However, real-world applications often encounter challenges that can impact the accuracy and stability of IMU tilt surveys, such as complex environments, improper usage, or poor satellite tracking during IMU initialization. In this blog, we address these challenges and introduce a practical solution – Pole Calibration – to enhance the reliability and stability of tilt survey measurements.

Pole Calibration in Action:

Let's dive into the practical application of Pole Calibration within SingularPad software. Follow these straightforward steps to fine-tune your tilt measurements:

1. Access Calibration Settings:

Open the SingularPad software and navigate to Device >> Inspection Accuracy. Confirm that the antenna height matches the actual pole height.

2. Initiate Calibration:

Ensure the GNSS receiver is now at stable RTK FIXED status. Click Start and follow the software prompt to finish the calibration

  • Stabilize the pole tip and shake the receiver back and forth to gather 50 data points.
  • Rotate the pole for 90° and repeat shaking the pole for data collection process for all four directions.

Completing these steps efficiently ensures that your tilt measurements maintain accuracy and stability, even in challenging conditions.

In the fast-paced world of surveying, where efficiency and precision are paramount, mastering Pole Calibration becomes a valuable skill. By seamlessly integrating this into your workflow, you can elevate the reliability of tilt survey measurements. Our step-by-step guide equips you to tackle diverse environments and optimize the accuracy of your surveys. Get ready to make every tilt count!

Learn more about SingularXYZ RTK products featuring IMU tilt functions:

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