
FAQ | SingularXYZ TS1000 Total Station - Part 5 Solution of Data Conversion lssues

In a previous blog, we discussed how to use TS-Link to convert data into the format you need. However, you may encounter issues during the conversion process, which can disrupt your workflow. In this blog, we will explore the common reasons behind these failures and provide a step-by-step solution to ensure successful data conversion every time.

Read previous blog: FAQ | SingularXYZ TS1000 Total Station – Part 3 Data Format Conversion

Common Issues and Causes

Issue: Conversion Failure

When data fails to be imported into TS-Link, you might encounter an error message such as "Importing Error" followed by "xxxxxxx is not a valid floating point value." This error indicates a problem with the format or structure of the data file.

Causes of Conversion Failures

1. Decimal Formatting Issues: TS-Link requires that data files be formatted to three decimal places for successful conversion. Although TS-Link typically rounds the data automatically during import, inconsistencies in operating systems across different regions can cause rounding errors.
2. Feature Code Formatting: There should be no spaces within feature codes. For example, "abc" is valid, while "a bc" is not.

Solution: Pre-Processing the Data File

To avoid conversion failures, you can pre-process the data file to ensure it is formatted correctly with three decimal places. Follow the steps below to prepare your data file for successful import into TS-Link.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open the data file in Excel and save it in the `.xlsx` format.

Step 2: Create a blank worksheet by clicking the plus sign, and then copy the relevant data (roll call and feature information) into the corresponding columns.

Step 3: In the new worksheet, click on cell **B1**, select the **ROUND** function, and set **Num_digits** to **3**. Select the data from column B in the original table as the source for rounding.

Step 4: After applying the ROUND function, a rounded number will appear in the cell. Move your cursor to the lower-right corner of the cell, and double-click to apply the function to the entire column.

Step 5: Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for columns C and D.

Step 6: Once you've rounded the necessary data, save the worksheet as a new `.CSV` file. Then you can finish the data import.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your data is correctly formatted with three decimal places, allowing TS-Link to convert the files without any issues. This simple pre-processing method helps avoid common conversion errors, saving you time and ensuring your workflow remains uninterrupted.

If you encounter further issues, feel free to reach out to our technical support team for assistance. (

More about SingularXYZ TS1000 total station.

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