Tech Chat | How to Access the Web Page of Z1 GNSS Receiver?
If you're using the Z1 GNSS receiver, there may be times when you need to access its web page to download static data, update firmware, or make other settings adjustments. However, unlike other SingularXYZ receivers, the Z1's Bluetooth and WiFi cannot operate simultaneously. This means that in order to access the Z1 web page, you'll need to switch to WiFi manually.
In this blog, we'll walk you through the steps to access the Z1 web interface.
Step 1: Switch to WiFi in SingularPad
By default, the Z1's Bluetooth is enabled when it starts up. To access the web interface, you'll need to first connect the Z1 to SingularPad via Bluetooth. After connection is established, go to Device > Device Settings, keep the default IP address ( and enable WiFi. Click OK to apply the changes.
Step 2: Connect Your PC or Mobile Device to Z1 WiFi
Open the WiFi settings on your PC or mobile device, find and connect to the Z1 WiFi network.
- WiFi name: The device's serial number (SN).
- Default WiFi password: 12345678.
Step 3: Access the Z1 Web Page
Open any web browser (e.g., Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and enter the IP address: to visit the web page of Z1.
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
Once logged in, you'll be able to download static data, configure settings, or perform firmware updates as needed.
Now you know how to access the Z1 web page. Just remember to switch from Bluetooth to WiFi before accessing the web interface.
Learn more about Z1 GNSS receiver